
Below a number of selected publications is given. For the most comprehensive list of publications I refer to my google scholar account. Unpublished manuscripts (preprints) and posters are available at my ResearchGate account.

Predicting Rubisco-Linker Condensation from Titration in the Dilute Phase

Published in arXiv, 2023

The condensation of Rubisco holoenzymes and linker proteins into “pyrenoids,” a crucial supercharger of photosynthesis in algae, is qualitatively understood in terms of “sticker-and-spacer” theory. We derive semianalytical partition sums for small Rubisco-linker aggregates, which enable the calculation of both dilute-phase titration curves and dimerization diagrams. By fitting the titration curves to surface plasmon resonance and single-molecule fluorescence microscopy data, we extract the molecular properties needed to predict dimerization diagrams. We use these to estimate typical concentrations for condensation, and successfully compare these to microscopy observations.

Cite: Payne-Dwyer et al., "Predicting Rubisco-Linker Condensation from Titration in the Dilute Phase." Phys. Rev. Lett. 132</i>, 218401 (2023) [](</p> </article> </div>

Sticker-and-Spacer Model for Amyloid Beta Condensation and Fibrillation

Published in [Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience](, 2022

Amyloid-Beta Aggregation

Cite: Jack Connor, Steve Quinn, Charley Schaefer, "Sticker-and-Linker Model for Amyloid Beta Condensation and Fibrillation." Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 15, 962526 (2022)

Theoretical rheo-physics of silk: Intermolecular associations reduce the critical specific work for flow-induced crystallisation

Published in [J. Rheol](, 2021

Theoretical rheo-physics of silk: Intermolecular associations reduce the critical specific work for flow-induced crystallisation

Cite: Charley Schaefer & Tom C. B. McLeish, "Theoretical rheo-physics of silk: Intermolecular associations reduce the critical specific work for flow-induced crystallisation." arXiv.. (2021)

Membraneless organelles formed by liquid-liquid phase separation increase bacterial fitness

Published in Science Advances, 2021

Liquid-liquid phase separation of proteins to form membraneless organelles in living bacteria.

Cite: Xin Jin, Ji-Eun Lee, Charley Schaefer, Xinwei Luo, Adam J. M. Wollman, Alex L. Payne-Dwyer, Tian Tian, Xiaowei Zhang, Xiao Chen, Yingxing Li, Tom C. B. McLeish, Mark C. Leake, Fan Bai. "Membraneless organelles formed by liquid-liquid phase separation increase bacterial fitness." Science Adv.. 7, 43 (2021)

Polymer Solar Cells: Solubility Controls Fiber Network Formation

Published in J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015

We found that the influence of the solvent quality on the polymer fibre size can be understood in terms of classical nucleation theory.

Cite: J. J. van Franeker, G. H. L. Heintges, C. Schaefer, G. Portale, W. Li, M. M. Wienk, P. van der Schoot, R. A. J. Janssen." Polymer Solar Cells: Solubility Controls Fiber Network Formation." J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 137, 11783-11794 (2015)